Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hurricanes, Elections & Other Happenings.

Where to begin?! This past week has been hectic to say the least. I hope all you east coasters are doing ok after the wrath of hurricane Sandy, I know I still don’t have power back home. With classes being cancelled for a week students either made the journey home or hunkered down in the Bronx apartments and the dorms. I went to the grocery store right before the storm got bad to see empty shelves and nervous customers preparing for the bad weather. I talked to some friends down in jersey that were finding fish and boats in their yards! There was even sharks seen swimming in someone’s back yard in New jersey- here’s the full article and see the picture below!

After the hurricane Americans were wondering what was going to happen with voters getting to the polls to place their votes. However, by midnight last night they were already projecting Obama’s reelection. It was quite the heated race with Obama and Romney only being within 1% of each other in many states, and with Romney beating Obama with the popular vote for a bit. In the end, Obama is here for another four years and I’m excited to see what changes he’ll be making for our economy.

Some other exciting events, IT’S CURRENTLY SNOWING IN THE BRONX. Our first snow of the season! Since hurricane Sandy apparently wasn’t enough from Mother Nature, we are now getting hit with a Nor’easter. Hope everyone stays safe and warm!


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